Why in the world do this
to yourself?
There are as many reasons for getting involved in National Boards as there are
candidates. My personal reasons for seeking National Certification are rather
boring actually. After teaching almost 20 years and after receiving more than
my share of praise and accolades, I still know in my "heart of hearts"
that I can do a better job. Indeed, a much better job. To me the
profession of teaching is a blend of science and art.
The science part of this crazy career is the part that Schools of Education try to drill
into the prospective classroom teacher. As a senior graduating with excellent grades
in all of my education classes, I felt reasonably qualified to enter this exciting
profession. The portion of the profession that never really entered the discussion,
however, is that portion that revolves around the artistic aspects of being more than just
an adequate teacher. I'm happy to say that I've had the privilege of being in a
number of classes that were taught by really fantastic teachers. Man, when I say
they were "artists" that's what I mean.
I've had moments when some of my classes reached that level.
If I can do anything to make it happen more
regularly...hey, that's why I'm in this.